Marc pecsteen de buytswerve children and armed conflict
Marc pecsteen de buytswerve children and armed conflict

marc pecsteen de buytswerve children and armed conflict

This exclusivity and the unequal distribution of penholdership roles amongst members of the Council are just two reasons why the issue of burden-sharing has become a more frequent point of discussion when addressing working methods. Though leadership in the subsidiary bodies have almost always been the elected members-the process by which they are appointed was for decades opaque and controlled by the permanent members.

marc pecsteen de buytswerve children and armed conflict

More recently, the penholder system has been the domain and practice of the permanent members of the Council, particularly the P3, whereas chairmanships of the subsidiary bodies have been held by elected members. It was not until 2006, with France, the UK and the US (known as the P3) leading in the drafting and negotiating of outcomes regarding nuclear threats in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Iran, that the penholder “system” started emerging as a distinct practice. Leadership within the Council in drafting resolutions has been normal practice since its inception, but the penholder system is a more recent development. The penholder role refers to a member of the Council that leads the negotiation and drafting of resolutions on a Council agenda item in which they have an interest. In recent years, the penholder system and the process of appointing subsidiary body chairs have been increasingly frequent topics of discussion among Council members. The list of chairs of subsidiary bodies is contained in a 2 January note by the Council president ( S/2019/2). For the full list of the agenda items, please refer to the latest summary statement by the Secretary-General of matters of which the Security Council is seized and the stage reached in their consideration ( S/2019/10). These tables do not include all agenda items of which the Council is currently seized but do include items with regular outcomes or where a subsidiary body has been established. The tables below have been updated to reflect the Security Council penholders and chairs of subsidiary bodies as of January 2019. Lead Roles within the Council in 2019: Penholders and Chairs of Subsidiary Bodies

Marc pecsteen de buytswerve children and armed conflict